Wednesday, October 27, 2010


After reviewing the information given about podcasting; I believe this type of technology to be cutting edge, and quite convenient for one to have his/her say so regarding any given topic, at any given time. Accordingly, a podcast can be accessible by subscribing to it, and it can be heard on demand by way of the internet and/or one’s iPod, and other devices such as an MP3 player, and other types of media.  Of course, all one needs in order to produce his/her podcast is a microphone, a video camera, and an internet connection, (Common Craft, 2008). Therefore; podcasts can be easily produced, and can be produced by anyone.  Of course, there are many uses for podcasts, which includes the use of podcasts in the classroom, to be  specific. Accordingly, podcasts can be an alternative to certain assignments such as a newspaper article, or a video project, (Shelley, n.d).  In addition, a podcast can be used for the benefit of students who missed a day of instruction. For instance, a teacher can download his/her daily lecture to the school’s website, and the student will be able to access this information without skipping a beat.
However, when considering the other types of Web 2.0 applications I have learned about; I have noticed a few similarities, and a few differences between them, and podcasting.  For instance, one can use a wiki in order to communicate information, and ideas in a written text format. Of course, this can also be accessed and changed by anyone, as opposed to a podcast which can be accessed by anyone, but cannot be altered.  Next, a blog is a form of personal communication used by anyone who wishes to create a page to list their views, and opinions regarding general thoughts and circumstances and can be commented on by anyone.  However, podcast is a form of communication which one can hear, but cannot read, and cannot be commented on per say.  Then, social bookmarking much like podcasting can be used as a form of communication between people from all walks of life whether he or she is in one state or the other.  However, social bookmarking is a list of websites constructed by text, rather than audio. Finally, voice thread can be used much like a podcast can be used since they both deal with information provided through audio.  However, a voice thread can also contain a picture, and a podcast cannot.
Nevertheless, I currently own an iPod, and I currently use it for music while I am on the treadmill at the gym.  However, an iPod depending on the storage space can be used for more than music.  It can actually be used for the storage of videos, movies, and podcasts.  Therefore, I would definitely implement an iPod in my classroom, as it has the capability of holding educational information retrieved from home for the use of students in my classroom.  However, there are advantages and disadvantages of online communication tools. For instance; an advantage of online communication tools is that most of which are all public domain, and can be accessed by anyone, virtually anywhere.  In addition, it can also create an open line of communication which allows people to connect with each other all around the world.  However, I would assume that there are risks dealing with privacy when considering putting any type of personal information online.  In fact, it would be difficult to monitor or filter who can, and cannot either access and/or change information communicated through the internet.

Common Craft (2008, April 21). Podcasting in Plain English [Video file]. Retrieved from
Shelley, N. (n.d). Podcasts in the Classroom. School of the Epiphany Archdiocese of San
Francisco. Retrieved from


  1. I don't own an iPod. I've never been interested in them. I own an mp3 player on my phone and I use that for music but it's amazing at the things iPods can do besides store music. I never knew they could hold movies. -Maria Rodriguez

  2. Maria,

    You can also read books on iPod touch! :)

